Client Questionnaire Try and fill out to the best of your ability, the more info the better. Your name Your email Short term goals Long term goals Why do you need my help? Progress pictures (front, side, back) - Try do the photos as full body photos - head to toe, NO SELFIES, and position the camera somewhere we can replicate it each week (same angle, distance to camera etc) Age Height Weight Waist measurement (around belly button) How often do you usually/currently lift weights a week (if you do)/ how many days are you willing to do + give example of a workout? Training history? Current daily typical diet? Any supplements or PED's? How often drink alcohol if you do? How often eat junk food? What type of junk food do you eat most Favourite healthy foods Any food allergies or major dislikes? What time in the day do you train/go gym? Any cardio? Any injuries that may effect your progress? Any medication you are on?